- Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku Namek Temple Walkthrough
- Dbz Legacy Of Goku Rom
- Dragon Ball Z The Legacy Of Goku 2
May 14, 2002 For Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku on the Game Boy Advance, GameFAQs has 12 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs). Dec 06, 2015 Welcome to DBZ Legacy of Goku 2! Time has passed since Goku had defeated Frieza on planet Namek, peace has returned to Earth and a restless boy grows inpatient of his fathers return. Mean while in.
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Back to topSome times while trying to fight Frieza's men you die, but I found an easy way to beat them. Use the Kamehameha beam to get them damaged then punch the enemy. If you are close to dieing you might wan to use herbs. Repeat this so they can die. If they stand near you and don't notice you, you should power up the Kamehameha beam then hit them.
To beat a boss easier(Raditz, Ginyu Squad,ect.) Use the solar flare to stop them, them hit with a Kamehameha and repeat this until you have a little health left, save and quit, and there health should be the same as when you quit. And just repeat till he's dead.
ps:you have to do this code every time you turn the game off and turn it back on.
Go to an enemy that can attack with the Ki Blast like Nappa, Vegeta, Freiza e.t.c. When they shoot the Ki Blast, fly right into the blast. Your Health/Ki Bar will be replaced with the fly meter instead. That means that your in Invincible, but there are some set backs, such as your Ki won't recharge. To get out of invincibility, just push the fly button.
Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A
If done right, a sound effect will confirm your entry. Start a new game or continue a saved game, and when an enemy attacks, you will not receive any damage.
When you're in the first village [were you have to find the missing girl] exit the village to the forest [when you enter the forest you'll see a brown dinosaur hide in the shadow of the tree in front of you, face the dinosaur and start shooting KI Blasts at it [B button] it will come toward you, don't move! Here's were the glitch happens the dinosaur will be on you but not hurting you!
there you can punch or Ki Blast it to death.exit the forest to the village then go back into the forest the dinosaur will be there again! repeat the code to level up faster.
![Temple Temple](https://cdn.browsercam.com/com.darkarrow.stickfighter.saiyan-header.png)
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Back to topfight an opponent that can shoot Ki Blasts
{like raditz] when he shoots a Ki blast at you press the right trigger button to fly stay there and get hit you'll stop flying but the glowing status will remain,you'll be invincible.
It may take you 5 times to beat him if not even more. There is a certain way to do it. You use the solar flare, go up and punch him a lot of times while he is blind. Punch for a limited time then back away before he breaks free. Send the Kamehameha beam at him while he's just wondering around looking for you. Fly up towards him and give him a solar flare. Then give him a bunch of energy blasts. Do this trick until Vegeta dies.
You may think you won but vegeta is still back in action. He says you are the best fighter there is next to him. dont go near him if your out of health because you could end up being killed. Instead grab some herbs and wing spears. Fly away towards Vegeta. Use all your power to do a solar flare, walk up to him with all of your punches and ki blasts. Do this process until you see him turn into a ape(don't worry, you dont' have to fight it). Yajarobi is shown cutting Vegeta's tail, as soon as Vegeta goes back to his normal state Gohan transforms(no you don't have to fight him too), Gohan stomps all over Vegeta while in his ape state. Then he shrinks which is the end of the Saiyan Saga.
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Stand On Water
Go to a place where there is water like onNamake. Find a person who can shoot a beam and lethim hit you with a beam over the water. You canonly stand there you can't move around on thewater but at least you will be protected.
Defeating Raditz
An easy way to beat Raditz is to use mostly Kiblast. If he is about to blast you, hide behind arock. Then he should come on the side of the rockto find you. You can be charging a blast while heis coming. Then let him have it. It should weakenhim alot.
If you want to look like Vegto (dont know ifthats right) face Goku so his back is facing youand hit R. It should look like Vegto at leastwhat I think he looks like. You cant really movebut you see what he looks like.
Early Solar Flare
Go to the guy's hut who asks you to kill thedinosaurs. Instead of killing the dinosaurs, flyinto the huge skull thing in the top left cornerof his hut. You still can't go in to fightRaditz. But, you get the solar flare ability whenyou touch it while flying. I don't recommendsaving after doing this, because you can'tcontinue on to fight Raditz, even if you kill thedinosaurs.
Hell: Easy Fruit
When you are in Hell, go south a little way tofind a 'mountain' on your right with twodestructible rocks. If you destroy the rocks,you can walk on top of this 'mountain' and nothave to fly to get to the fruit.
Defeating Freiza's Henchmen
When you are at level 23, you can kill Freiza'shenchmen with one punch. However, it might bebest to use energy blasts.
Finding The Magazines
The first magazine is on the right side of theisland. It is white. The next one is on the backside of the island. It is also white. The lastone is inside the Kame House. To get inside, youmust go to the left side of the house and go upthe stairs. Give the magazines to the MasterRoshi and he will give you two Zenzu Beans, someHerbs and 350 experience points. Raditz willthen appear, followed by Piccolo. You will betransported to the forest where Raditz tookGohan.
Turning Into A Super Saiyan
The only way you can become a Super Saiyan is when you have the very last fight with Freeza'slast form. You cannot become a Super Saiyananywhere else.
Quest List
In order to save the man on the island, you mustcollect three stones. The first two are in thedirt area near the dino mother. The first one isin the trees. You will have to squeeze throughsome of them, but you will find it there. Thesecond one is next to the dino nest. You have togo around the rocks, then you will get to it.The third one is on your way to the dino thatstole the egg. Each time Goku will say that hethinks that the rocks will be useful, and theywill. To find the man, you have to defeat thefirst dog. You will then go downward instead ofupward. There will be a river and you will haveto fly over it. When you get there, Goku willsay that he senses a powerful being there. Youhave to defeat the dinosaur to make it easier.Once it is defeated, fly over the rocky ledgethere. You will find an area with a lake. In themiddle of the lake will be a square island witha fossil and a man. Fly to the man and talk tohim. Lay down the rocks and talk to him again.He will give you 350 experience points.
Namek Temple: Stone Hands
The stone hands in Namek Temple point to gaps inthe wall to secret areas where you can findextra Herbs and/or Senzu Beans. To find thepath, follow to where the hand is pointing to,then follow it to the wall points to. Walk intothe wall to go through it to reach the secretarea.
Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku Namek Temple Walkthrough
Namek Temple: Secret Passage
When there is a Namek statue in front of you,turn left. There is a jewel down in front ofyou. Take it, go down more, then turn leftagain. There should be a secret passage there.
Defeating Dinosaurs
When you encounter the first dinosaur (the brownone, and not the pterodactyl), grab the orb thenlead him across the river. Then, blast him untilhe walks out of range. Fly back across, grab theorb, and repeat until you kill it.To kill dinosaurs easier in the forest, lure oneto the river. Then, fly across it and shoot it.It cannot harm you. For the one at the lake nearthe city, look for a group of bushes and form atype of 'C' by shooting away two of them in themiddle. Then, use Solar Flare and go to theother side of the bushes. Start shooting thedinosaur and it cannot get you.When you encounter the blue flying dinosaur inthe forest, fly over and destroy one of thebreakable rocks. Then, get the dinosaur to chaseyou. Go behind the remaining rock, charge yourKi, and use Solar Flare. Then, walk around therock and start punching the dinosaur. Thisprocess may need to be repeated.
Defeating Wolves
When you see a wolf, run from it, then quicklyturn and punch it. If done correctly, it shoulddie in one hit.
Defeating The Ginyu Force
To do this easily, use the invincibility trickby litting someone with a Ki blast hit you whileyou are flying. The more difficult way is todefeat them one by one. After you fight thefirst member of the Ginyu, save the game andrepeat until you get through them all. Forexample, save the game after you fight each ofthe Ginyu Force members, then turn off the gameafter each member you fight. Note: Fly scalewill be on when you are not flying. To stopflying press Fly twice. Your fly scale will turnoff.Fly to the island east of Gohan and Krillinafter starting to fight. When they are in range,start hitting them with Ki Blasts. If they goout of range, fly over, get their attention, flyback to the island, and repeat. Note: This worksbest on Jeice.
Defeating Vegeta
Since Vegeta never remains still, you may runout of life. However, there are herbseverywhere. if you use up all the herbs and hehas already said 'You're stronger I thanthought', you can leave and return. All theherbs will be there again. Note: Do not saveoutside or you will have to start again.
Completion Bonuses
Successfully complete the game (including allthe quests and sidequests). Start a new game tobegin with unlimited energy.After completing the game, you should have oneof two things: unlimited energy or the abilityto carry four Senzu Beans.
Regaining Energy
Save the game, then turn off the power. When youturn the power on again, you will have a fullenergy and Ki bar. Note: When this is done, youwill be sent back to the beginning of the areaor level you where currently on.Information in this section was contributed bySusiePansy and Darren 'Dark Mage Vivi' Dea.
Unlimited Health And Ki
![Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku Temple Walkthrough Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku Temple Walkthrough](http://resource.mmgn.com/Games/Packshot/l/Dragon-Ball-Z--The-Legacy-of-Goku-II-1.jpg)
When an energy ball is shot at you, press R tofly and it will hit you. You will land, but theFlight Charge display will still be displayed,meaning that you have lost no health from theattack. However, you will land when hit. Go backin the air and land again to get out of thisuseful glitch.
Extra Strength And Ki
As your first attack in the game, use a fourstage. You will have 8-up in Ki and strength.
Find an enemy that fires Kai beams. Get theenemy to fire a beam at you while you areflying. You should land with your fly meterstill on. You will now have unlimited health. Todeactivate it, press R(2). It will also wear offwhen you go to another area.Note: The invincibility trick will also work onFrieza.
Easy Experience Points
Dbz Legacy Of Goku Rom
This trick will work if you are near or abovelevel 14. Outside of the Ancient Ruins Area (notthe actual Ruins) is a soldier standing by. Onceyour Ki charges up, stand aside the north wallthat holds the Ancient Ruins entrance and lineup with the soldier. Charge up your Kame Hame Haand blast him. He should die. Then, enter theRuins, leave, and the soldier should be back.Let your Ki charge again, then blast the soldieragain from the same place. Keep repeating thisand you will level up very rapidly.Go to any dinosaur. Get far enough away so thatit does not chase you, but make sure you can seeit. Start firing Ki Blast at him. It willapproach you. When he is right next to you,start punching him until it is killed. If donecorrectly, it will not attack back. Leave thescreen, return, and repeat. Some good places todo this is include the forest by the stream andoutside the city with robbers.When you are in Heak, save the game and turn thegame off. Turn the game back on and enablethe 'Invincibility' code. Every time you runinto a moving white ghost, blind it with SolarFlare, then start punching it.Enable the 'Invincibility' code at the beginningof the game. The very first dinosaur (brown)that you encounter can be killed with your punchattack. Leave the map area and return to do itagain. You can also use the punch attack on therandom forest creatures (squirrels and snakes)to get 5 experience points each.
Easy Critical Hits
To successfully get a critical hit on an enemy,just walk behind the enemy and punch or shoot aKi blast. This acts as a backstab, but it isvery effective, especially against Freeza'sguards.
KameHameHa Wave
Defeat Raditz and find King Kai's planet. CatchBubbles and hit Gregory. After you do this, KingKai will teach you the KameHameHa Wave.
Strong Kai Blast
When you are on Namek and at about level 21, youcan kill henchmen in one hit. You do not have tocharge up -- just shoot.
Catching Bubbles And Gregory
Dragon Ball Z The Legacy Of Goku 2
Do not try to walk up to them, as they will runaway. You can fly faster than you can walk. Flyvery close to them and press A after landing onthe floor to catch/hit them. When you are done,you get the Kamahamaha Wave.
Solar Flare
You can only do this if you know the solar flaremove. You can load the solar flare move (to loadany move you have to hold down A then let it go)then after you let it A go you can go up to theenemy and punch him like 7 times before theystart moving again.
Unlimited Health
When the movie intro starts, or during it, pressUP,DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT,B, A. Thus, you areinvincible. If you turn off the game, follow thisstep again.
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A when theintroduction song plays when the game is firststarted. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
We have no unlockables for Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Finding The Lost Dino Egg
When you are looking for the egg, you must go toan area with grass and one bluish dog. Defeatthe dog and go up the steps. You will find threemore dogs. Defeat them and go up another pair ofsteps. There will be one last dog. Keep goinguntil you find two bushes blocking your way.Destroy those with Ki blasts and advance. Go tothe right and you will find Tien and his clownfriend. They will each give you 500 experiencepoints. Keep going until you find an area with awaterfall. Fly onto the ledge and a dino will bethere. Defeat it and then you will find the eggon the top, where the dino was located. Returnthe egg to the mother dino at the beginning ofthe area and she will give you 350 experiencepoints.
Glitch: Stand On Water
Get a person who can fire a Ki attack (forexample, Frieza's henchman). Get the person tofire a Ki blast at you while you are flying overthe water. When he blasts you, your characterwill stand in the water, but cannot move.
Glitch: Stand On Air
Fly above a hole and have one of Friezashenchmen fire a Ki blast at you. You will falland stand. Note: You cannot move and can onlyget off by flying.
Glitch: Flying Sound When Walking
Become invincible the press R and fly. After yourun out of time, you will get a flying soundwhile walking.
Created by: Whit3Ghost.Read the full guide...
Created by: doragonbooruzetto.Read the full guide...